

En Español

Protecting our Environment and Combatting Climate Change

I believe we must be responsible stewards of our environment and in Congress I fought for programs that preserve and protect America’s environmental heritage.  

It’s our duty to future generations to protect our air and water, conserve our natural spaces, and urgently address climate change.  Acting responsibly today will promote economic growth, create jobs, and preserve our global leadership in energy and other fields.

In Congress I voted against the attempts to weaken clean air and clean water protections and against defunding critical environmental regulations. I stood firm against the Republican proposed $300 million cut to the Great Lakes Restoration Fund and worked hard until this crucial funding was restored. I worked to expand state and local efforts to combat invasive species, such as Asian carp.

I believe we must act without delay to address climate change. In Congress, I will support policies and investments that move our country toward creating the clean energy economy and reducing our carbon footprint.