Statement on Bob Dold's New Ad


Dold follows up headlining a “Beat Hillary” fundraiser by attacking Hillary in new ad

NORTHBROOK, IL— Today, Bob Dold began airing a new political ad that begins with a shameful attack on Hillary Clinton.

“Bob Dold should immediately apologize to Hillary Clinton for his disrespectful ad,” said campaign Manager Magen Ryan. “Equating Hillary Clinton asking about Donald Trump’s record to Donald Trump calling her ‘the devil’ exemplifies Dold’s partisan double standard and is yet another example of just how out of touch the congressman is. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are anything but equal in terms of how they treat people. That Dold is unable to see the difference in substance, temperament, and fitness to serve should disqualify him from representing the Tenth District.”

This new advertisement adds to a long history of convoluted political posturing on the presidential election for Republican Congressman Bob Dold:

  • Dold recently headlined a fundraiser to “Beat Hillary at the Distillery,” to raise money for pro-Trump political groups.
  • Dold still refuses to say who he will vote for in November, recently suggesting he will cast his ballot for a yet-to-be-named write-in candidate, which under Illinois’ law would not be counted.
  • Dold has chosen silence over leadership -- failing to criticize Trump’s comments demeaning Gold Star families, attacking a federal judge based on his ethnicity, and disrespecting veterans suffering from PTSD.