Schneider Touts Cutting Costs, Preventing Gun Violence, and Protecting Women's Healthcare in New TV Ad


Schneider Touts Cutting Costs, Preventing Gun Violence, and Protecting Women's Healthcare in New TV Ad


Above: a still from Brad’s new ad, “Brad's Our Guy”

HIGHLAND PARK, IL – Today, Congressman Brad Schneider released his new positive ad, “Brad's Our Guy.”

The ad highlights Brad's focus on getting costs down, lowering prescription drug prices, and doing the work to prevent gun violence and protecting women's freedom to choose. 
The ad's script is below: 
Voter 1: Hey Brad! How’s our guy?

Voter 2: Brad’s our guy because when prices were going up, he brought our taxes down.

Voter 3: I appreciate how he’s fighting to lower prescription drug prices.

Voter 4: With all these politicians yelling at each other, I appreciate how Brad puts his head down and does the work. Preventing gun violence...

Voter 5: and protecting women’s freedom to choose.
Voter 2: Brad's our guy. 
Voter 4: Our guy. 
Voter 5: Our guy. 

Brad: I’m Brad Schneider and I approve this message.

