National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare Endorses Brad Schneider
Committee cites Schneider’s outstanding record defending America’s seniors
NORTHBROOK, IL – Today, Democratic Nominee for Congress, Brad Schneider (IL-10) announced the endorsement of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare.
“I am grateful to have again earned the endorsement of one of the leading organizations championing the fight to defend all working families and older Americans,” said Brad Schneider. “It is more important than ever that we have representatives who are willing and able to stand up to Republican efforts to turn Medicare into a voucher system and to privatize Social Security. I look forward to continuing my work on behalf of the millions of Americans who rely on Social Security and Medicare when I return to Congress.”
“Brad understands the critical roles that Social Security and Medicare play in the retirement and health security of our nation’s older citizens and their families,” said Max Richtman, Chairman and President of the Committee. “Brad is well-prepared to serve the needs of seniors and make the preservation of Social Security and Medicare a priority in office. Among his efforts, Brad has stepped forward in support of legislation to enhance programs serving seniors and their families.”
Brad was humbled to receive the Democratic nomination with record turnout among Democratic voters. These unprecedented turnout numbers demonstrate Schneider’s strong position to take on Rep. Bob Dold, whose votes are out of step with the values of the Tenth Congressional District.
This endorsement adds to a growing list of supporters for Brad Schneider’s campaign, which you can view here.
About the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare:
The mission of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, a membership organization, is to protect, preserve, promote, and ensure the financial security, health, and the well-being of current and future generations of maturing Americans. The Committee acts in the best interests of its members through advocacy, education, services, grassroots efforts, and the leadership of the Board of Directors and professional staff. The Committee has over 4 million members nationwide and 5,000 members in the 10th District. You can learn more about the Committee at: