For Third Time This Year, Republican Congressman Dold Votes To Repeal Affordable Care Act
In just a few short months in Congress, Dold has repeatedly voted for extreme Republican budgets that repeal the Affordable Care Act and end healthcare coverage for those enrolled through the health exchange
Deerfield, IL – Yesterday, Republican Bob Dold voted for the third time in just four months to repeal the Affordable Care Act and to end health care coverage for more than 20,000 Lake County residents receiving expanded Medicaid coverage through the Exchange.
This latest vote came amidst Congressman Dold’s support for the extreme Republican budget that once again sets repealing Obamacare as one of its main goals. In total, Republican Bob Dold has voted more than 30 times to get rid of the health care law that has been approved by Congress, American voters and the Supreme Court.
“Congressman Dold’s repeated votes to repeal Obamacare are simply irresponsible,” said Democrat Brad Schneider. “Illinoisans deserves a Congressman who will stand up for their values and fight to enroll more constituents in quality and affordable healthcare. But again and again, Congressman Dold participates in extreme and pointless Republican attempts to end the Affordable Care Act.”
In total, 20,200 residents in Lake County currently receive expanded Medicaid health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act. And 133,289 residents in Lake County and the non-Chicago portion of Cook County currently receive expanded Medicaid health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act. These figures do not even include Illinoisians who purchased insurance through the Exchange who were previously denied insurance due to pre-existing medical conditions.
1. Dold has voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act on at least three occasions in the last four months.
“House approves GOP budget blueprint.” John Bresnahan, Jake Sherman, and Rachael Bade, Politico, 3/25/15
After two weeks of backroom negotiations with fiscal conservatives and defense hawks, the House approved a spending blueprint that would balance the budget in a decade, transform Medicare and Medicaid, prevent tax increases and repeal Obamacare.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 142 – H. Con. Res. 27, 3/25/15
Dold – Yea
“House adopts compromise GOP budget targeting ‘Obamacare’.” Andrew Taylor, AP, 4/30/15
The House Thursday adopted a compromise GOP budget that promises to speed repeal of the President Barack Obama’s health care law while giving the Pentagon an additional $38 billion next year.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 183 – S. Con. Res. 11, 4/30/15
Dold – Yea
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 149 – H. Con. Res. 189, 4/314/15
Dold – Yea
2. Repealing the Affordable Care Act would rob over 20,000 Lake County residents of their healthcare
“Affordable Care Act enrollment as of March 2015.” Illinois Healthcare and Family Services Enterprise Data Warehouse
Expanded Medicaid coverage:
Lake County – 20,200