Brad Schneider Announces More Than 6,500 Endorsers
In first month, Democrat Brad Schneider receives a flood of grassroots supporters
Deerfield, IL – Today, Democrat Brad Schneider announced that during his first month as a candidate for Illinois’ Tenth District, he has earned the endorsement of more than 6,500 people, signaling the campaign’s momentum and broad support, and far surpassing the initial goal of 1,000.
“After just four weeks since kicking off our campaign, it’s is truly an incredible feeling and a great source of encouragement to have earned the endorsement of 6,655 people, and counting,” Schneider said. “Together, we will continue to fight for a robust economy that works for everyone, access to affordable health care, a federal marriage equality law, and a healthy, sustainable environment. I know this kind of grassroots energy will carry us to victory in 2016.”
A partial list of endorsers from across the district and the country is listed below. Additionally, Schneider has already received donations from more than 3,000 grassroots supporters and earned the endorsement of many prominent current and former elected officials. To see a more comprehensive list of endorsers, please visit
Doris A., Lake
Shawn A., Cook
Steve A., Lake
George A., Cook
Moses A., Cook
Andra A., Cook
Chiniko A., Cook
John A., Cook
John A., Cook
David A., Cook
Keith A., Lake
Alberto A., Cook
Hiola G A., Cook
Debra A., Cook
Richard A., Lake
Stefanie A., Lake
Ed A., Lake
Lance A., Cook
Michelle A., Cook
Roy A., Cook
Vydrea A., Cook
David A., Lake
Phyllis A., Cook
Dr. Neil And Evelyn A., Cook
Judy A., Cook
Ron A., Lake
Alicja A., Cook
Aziz A., Cook
Lynne A., Lake
Beatrice A., Cook
Jeff A., Cook
Richard A., Cook
Terry A., Cook
Linda B., Cook
Theresa B., Cook
Helga B., Cook
Judy B., Cook
Denis B., Cook
Michael B., Cook
Nina B., Lake
Elizabeth B., Cook
Bruce B., Cook
Lawrence B., Lake
Brian B., Cook
Donna B., Lake
Ruben B., Cook
Alice B., Cook
Karen B., Cook
Swapna B., Lake
Ruby B., Cook
Janet B., Lake
Mary B., Cook
Frances B., Cook
Keith B., Lake
Harriet B., Cook
Allan B., Cook
Carol B., Lake
Arthur L. B., Cook
Bradley B., Lake
Pearl B., Lake
Zina B., Cook
Rochelle B., Cook
Gerda B., Cook
Harrison B., Cook
Harriet B., Lake
Daniel B., Lake
Richard B., Lake
Mimi B., Lake
Charlene B., Cook
Richard B., Lake
Nancie B., Lake
Martin B., Lake
James B., Lake
Cynthia B., Cook
Charles B., Lake
Elizabeth B., Cook
Emerson B., Cook
Nannette B., Lake
Ida B., Cook
Kloe B., Lake
Evan B., Lake
Jim B., Cook
Amy B., Cook
Edlin B., Cook
David B., Cook
Bettyann B., Cook
Donna Nardi B., Lake
Pauline B., Cook
Gladys B., Cook
Al B., Cook
Alex B., Cook
Diana B., Cook
Nicholas B., Lake
Virginia B., Cook
Ann B., Lake
Jan C., Lake
Karen C., Cook
Cora C., Cook
Pat C., Lake
Dave C., Lake
Philip C., Lake
Laurel C., Lake
Richard C., Cook
Liane C., Cook
John C., Cook
Anthony-Frank C., Cook
Terrance C., Lake
Dorothy C., Cook
Jane C., Cook
Robert C., Cook
Kyle C., Cook
Linda C., Cook
Mary C., Cook
Pat C., Cook
Robert C., Lake
Donald C., Cook
Gregory C., Cook
Anthony C., Cook
Marsha C., Cook
Eileen C., Cook
Heidi C., Lake
Leroy C., Lake
Marc C., Cook
Heather C., Cook
Pamela C., Lake
Gale C., Lake
Patricia C., Cook
Adele C., Cook
Larry C., Cook
Paul C., Cook
Terri C., Cook
Marlys C., Cook
John C., Cook
David C., Lake
Nancy C., Lake
Susan C., Cook
William C., Cook
Beverly C., Cook
Cynthia C., Cook
Katie C., Lake
Leonard C., Cook
Bradley C., Cook
Burl C., Cook
Robert C., Lake
Linda C., Lake
Harold C., Cook
Jennifer C., Cook
J. C., Lake
Craig C., Lake
George C., Lake
Deloris C., Cook
David C., Cook
B. Peter D., Cook
Carl D., Cook
Ben D., Lake
Robert D., Lake
Eileen D., Cook
Marilyn D., Cook
Wayne D., Cook
Don D., Lake
Michael D., Cook
Brenda D., Cook
Erik D., Cook
Elizabeth D., Cook
Ilene D., Lake
Velma D., Lake
Patrick D., Cook
K D., Lake
Christopher D., Lake
Richard D., Cook
Marjean D., Cook
Adrienne D., Lake
Cathleen D., Lake
Paul D., Cook
Ellen D., Cook
D D., Cook
Bruce D., Lake
Jan D., Lake
Rosemary D., Cook
Patricia D., Cook
Richard D., Lake
Cathie D., Cook
Michael D., Lake
Kathy E., Lake
Devra E., Lake
Janet E., Cook
Jeffrey E., Cook
Marsha E., Cook
Perla C E., Cook
Christine E., Cook
Rosemary E., Lake
Frances E., Lake
Edward F., Cook
Martha F., Cook
Ken F., Lake
Pamela F., Lake
Pam F., Cook
Ngomuna F., Cook
Gordon F., Cook
Laurie F., Lake
Thomas F., Cook
Jean F., Cook
Margaret F., Cook
Pieter F., Cook
Zachary F., Cook
William F., Lake
R. F., Lake
Ron F., Cook
Carol F., Cook
Bobbi F., Cook
Lawrence F., Lake
Shelley F., Cook
Michael F., Lake
Mynard F., Lake
Larry F., Cook
Louise F., Cook
Gerald F., Cook
Pam F., Lake
Anita F., Lake
Kai F., Lake
Douglas F., Cook
Patricia G., Cook
Linda D. G., Cook
Ron G., Cook
Kent G., Cook
Ron G., Cook
Joe G., Lake
Matt G., Cook
Anthony G., Lake
James G., Cook
Sandra G., Lake
Thomas G., Cook
David G., Cook
Jane G., Cook
Susan G., Cook
Cheryl G., Lake
Marion G., Cook
Susan G., Lake
Barbara G., Cook
Michael G., Cook
Neil G., Lake
Nancy G., Cook
Stephen G., Cook
Alfred N G., Lake
James G., Lake
Bertha G., Lake
Linda N. G., Cook
Susan G., Cook
Jerry G., Lake
George G., Lake
Alfredo G., Cook
Maria G., Cook
Barbara G., Lake
Michael G., Cook
Richard G., Cook
Ed G., Cook
Emmy G., Cook
Philip G., Cook
Renee G., Cook
Miriam G., Lake
Ellen G., Cook
Dan G., Lake
Karen G., Cook
Eunice G., Cook
Howard H., Cook
Robert H., Cook
Mary H., Cook
Paul H., Cook
Karen H., Cook
Kathryn H., Cook
Eldon H., Cook
Sandra H., Cook
Anna H., Lake
Arlene H., Cook
Kevin H., Lake
Mildred H., Cook
Carol H., Cook
John H., Lake
William H., Cook
Patricia H., Cook
Ann H., Cook
Ron And Pat H., Cook
Tom H., Cook
Nancy H., Cook
Joana H., Cook
Hazel H., Lake
Rachel H., Cook
Jerry H., Cook
Marva H., Cook
John H., Cook
Barbara H., Lake
Letha H., Cook
Joyce H., Cook
Corliss H., Cook
Jeff H., Lake
Stanley H., Cook
Jeff H., Lake
Ruth H., Cook
Roberta H., Cook
Mary Lou H., Cook
George H., Cook
Erika H., Cook
Nasser H., Lake
Adam H., Cook
Thomas I., Cook
Brandy I., Cook
Anne I., Lake
James I., Lake
Rebecca J., Cook
Todd J., Lake
Robert J., Lake
Pam J., Cook
Ronn J., Cook
Michael J., Lake
Steve J., Cook
Steven J., Lake
Cory J., Cook
Ace J., Cook
Anita J., Lake
Pat J., Lake
Anthony J., Lake
Ronald K., Cook
April K., Cook
Janet K., Lake
Jungsik K., Lake
Howard K., Lake
Jared K., Cook
Emile K., Cook
Barbara K., Cook
Lisa K., Cook
Patricia K., Cook
Eileen K., Cook
James/Debra K., Cook
Jane K., Lake
James K., Cook
Mary K., Cook
Janice K., Cook
Al K., Cook
Azar K., Cook
Kathryn K., Lake
Kevin K., Cook
Jan K., Lake
Howard K., Lake
Marcy K., Cook
Victoria K., Cook
Jack K., Lake
Maya K., Lake
Donald K., Lake
Verna K., Cook
Richard K., Lake
Rick K., Lake
Diane K., Cook
Barbara K., Cook
John K., Cook
William K., Lake
Richard K., Lake
Brian K., Cook
Barbara K., Cook
Janet K., Cook
Evelyn K., Cook
Jerry K., Cook
Arthur K., Cook
John K., Cook
Laura K., Cook
Steven K., Cook
Kevin K., Cook
Richard L., Cook
Deborah L., Lake
Karin L., Lake
Bill L., Cook
Elaine L., Cook
Mimi L., Lake
Michele L., Cook
Judi L., Cook
Faith L., Lake
Robert L., Lake
Lenora L., Lake
Maurice L., Cook
Carol L., Cook
Jane L., Cook
Al L., Cook
Howard L., Cook
Marc L., Cook
Jeffery L., Cook
Monica L., Cook
Joanne, Iszy, Aitan, Yadid L., Cook
Annette L., Cook
Cynthia L., Lake
Sue L., Lake
Robert L., Cook
Kathy L., Cook
Dan L., Lake
Diana L., Lake
Mary L., Cook
David L., Lake
Shana L., Cook
Vandetta L., Cook
Cynthia L., Cook
Scott L., Cook
Susan L., Cook
Tony M., Lake
Joanne M., Cook
Phillip M., Lake
Alan M., Cook
Victoria M., Cook
Carmilla M., Cook
Maryann M., Cook
Lynne M., Lake
George M., Lake
Tim M., Lake
Alicia M., Cook
Jennifer M., Cook
Laurie M., Cook
Robert M., Cook
Margalit M., Cook
Wiltrude M., Cook
Helen M., Lake
David M., Lake
Ann M., Lake
Nalani M., Cook
Madeleine M., Lake
Viola M., Cook
Jock M., Cook
Rosalie M., Cook
Charles M., Cook
Kathleen M., Cook
Caroline M., Cook
Kevin M., Cook
Jonathon M., Cook
Cynthia M., Lake
Pamela M., Lake
Mary Lou M., Cook
Sharon M., Cook
Nancy M., Cook
James M., Cook
Sondra M., Lake
Katherine M., Lake
Hannah M., Cook
Jim M., Lake
Mary M., Lake
Susan M., Lake
Brenda M., Cook
Daniel M., Cook
Kenneth M., Cook
Charles M., Lake
Floyd M., Cook
Myra M., Cook
Roderick M., Lake
Sally M., Lake
John F M., Lake
Alex M., Lake
Alexander M., Lake
Sandra M., Cook
Alexander G M., Cook
Pamela M., Cook
Debora M., Lake
Ora M., Cook
Nicholas M., Lake
Patricia M., Cook
Bill M., Cook
Alison M., Lake
Gerald N., Cook
Phil N., Lake
Bill N., Cook
Kerry N., Lake
Roosevelt N., Lake
Sherry N., Cook
Roy N., Lake
Lisa N., Cook
Shane N., Cook
Janet N., Cook
Joseph N., Cook
Donna N., Cook
Ariel O., Lake
Jennifer O., Cook
Timothy O., Cook
Roger O., Cook
Allene O., Cook
Beatriz O., Cook
Susan O., Lake
Ken O., Cook
Raymond O., Lake
John O., Lake
Eric O., Cook
Ke O., Cook
Patricia P., Cook
Mary P., Cook
Beth P., Cook
Carl P., Cook
Lorelei P., Cook
Richard P., Cook
Del P., Lake
Nancy P., Cook
Harry P., Cook
Matthew P., Cook
Barb P., Cook
Claire P., Lake
Marylou P., Cook
Dean P., Cook
Mike P., Cook
Bob P., Lake
Floyd P., Cook
Rodney P., Cook
Jerry P., Cook
Karen P., Cook
Marianela P., Lake
Peter P., Cook
Roxanne P., Cook
Gordon P., Lake
Larry P., Cook
David P., Cook
David P., Cook
Roger P., Cook
Sharon P., Cook
Lawrence P., Cook
Regina P., Cook
Maureen P., Cook
Pamela P., Cook
Victor P., Lake
Robert P., Lake
Adrian P., Lake
Margaret P., Cook
Elvira Q., Cook
Karen R., Cook
Arlene R., Cook
Margaret R., Lake
Mary Ann R., Lake
David R., Lake
Arnetra R., Cook
Mark R., Cook
Martha R., Lake
William R., Cook
Carl R., Cook
Erica R., Cook
Brian R., Lake
Mark R., Lake
Barbara R., Cook
Andrew R., Cook
Joe R., Cook
Elsa R., Cook
Mary R., Lake
Robert R., Lake
Eugenia R., Cook
Susan R., Cook
Dawn R., Cook
Jeanne R., Cook
Judith R., Cook
Jewrell R., Cook
Heddie R., Cook
Nancy R., Cook
Richard R., Lake
Mort R., Cook
David R., Lake
Russell R., Cook
Barry R., Cook
Norman S., Cook
Judi S., Lake
Lin S., Cook
John S., Cook
Ellen S., Cook
Carolyn S., Cook
Aneesh S., Cook
Gary S., Lake
Peter S., Cook
Elizabeth S., Lake
Eleanor S., Cook
Alice S., Cook
Kathleen S., Cook
Laurence S., Lake
Laura S., Cook
Suzanne S., Lake
Patricia & Robert S., Lake
Jeff S., Lake
Michael S., Lake
Paul S., Cook
Ron S., Lake
Barry S., Cook
Cameron S., Cook
Don S., Cook
Naomi S., Lake
Frances S., Cook
Jerry S., Cook
David S., Cook
Barbara S., Lake
David S., Cook
Eileen S., Lake
Ellen S., Lake
Tamara S., Lake
Virginia S., Cook
Steve S., Lake
Dawn S., Lake
Sage S., Lake
Marion S., Cook
Sandra S., Cook
Ann S., Lake
Norm S., Cook
Judy S., Cook
Barry S., Lake
Harold S., Cook
Barbara S., Cook
Anthony S., Lake
Denice S., Lake
Kathy S., Lake
Raffe S., Cook
Ida S., Cook
Al S., Cook
Nancy L. S., Cook
Sue S., Cook
Hal S., Lake
Thomas S., Lake
Mitchell S., Cook
Saraj S., Lake
Hank S., Lake
Jane S., Lake
Judy S., Lake
Laura S., Cook
M T S., Lake
Ward S., Cook
Gerald S., Cook
James S., Lake
John S., Cook
Cindy S., Lake
Edward S., Lake
Paula S., Cook
Joel S., Lake
Carol S., Lake
Jack S., Lake
Alvin S., Cook
Sandy S., Lake
Charles S., Lake
Sheldon S., Lake
Greg S., Cook
Larry S., Cook
Kerstin S., Lake
Donna S., Lake
Anita S., Cook
Richard S., Cook
Beverly S., Cook
Erica S., Lake
Jamie S., Lake
Kirsten S., Cook
Karen S., Lake
Cynthia T., Cook
John T., Lake
Lori T., Lake
Marianne T., Lake
Scott T., Cook
Sylvia T., Cook
Diane T., Cook
Howard T., Cook
Richard T., Lake
Jim T., Lake
Laura T., Lake
Marge T., Cook
Sam T., Cook
Karen T., Cook
Mona T., Cook
Grace T., Cook
Michael T., Lake
Banikashay T., Cook
Barbara T., Lake
Zera T., Cook
Mable T., Cook
Bethana T., Cook
Kay T., Cook
Bart T., Cook
Henry T., Lake
Ijya T., Cook
Wesley T., Lake
Diana U., Cook
David U., Cook
Rev. Marcia U., Cook
Robert U., Lake
David V., Cook
Randall V., Cook
Carmen V., Cook
Robert V., Lake
Alfred V., Cook
Mark V., Lake
Karen W., Lake
Steven W., Cook
Gloria W., Lake
Hee W., Cook
Leslie W., Lake
Wendy M. W., Lake
Judith W., Lake
Jerry W., Cook
Richard W., Lake
Louise W., Lake
Louise W., Lake
Richard W., Lake
Marcia W., Cook
Sherrie W., Lake
Barbara W., Cook
Steven W., Cook
Dianne W., Cook
Martin W., Lake
Rebecca W., Lake
Deidra W., Cook
Lynne W., Cook
Howard W., Cook
Sandra W., Cook
Harold W., Cook
Mary W., Cook
Richard W., Cook
Gary W., Lake
Eugene W., Cook
Kimberly W., Cook
Tracy W., Cook
Carol W., Lake
Lorraine W., Cook
Willie W., Cook
Julie W., Cook
Victoria W., Cook
Gail W., Cook
Lin W., Cook
Tamara W., Cook
Abby W., Lake
Howard W., Cook
Joan And Milton W., Cook
Sharron W., Cook
Ken W., Cook
Marjorie W., Lake
Susan W., Lake
Charlene W., Cook
Bryan Y., Cook
Leo Y., Cook
Kat Y., Lake
Douglas Y., Cook
Sharon Z., Lake
Cheryl Z., Lake
Anne Z., Cook